Russ affectionately calls his Harley Ultra Classic, "The Black Knight". What his project was, was putting the mounting brackets for the two flags on his bike.
When we go on our PGR missions, alot of the bikers have the small clip-on flags mounted to the rear of their bikes. The bikes with the large flags are usually used for leading the mission or tail gunning the mission.
We also get invited to special events & we ride in parades and again, the big flag bikes either lead or tail gun. I might add, they will only tail gun IF there are quite a few big flag bikes attending the event. In the event of only two or four partcipating, then they will lead and some one else, with or without a small flag, will be appointed by the Road Captain to tail gun (bring up the rear).
Here is Russ awaiting my opinion....
Those flags sure look good on his bike...
I have to give Russ my opinion now....My opinion? OUTSTANDING!!!!! He did a great job and those flags really accent the black on his bike...He & Kenny did an Excellent job...
Russ furls the flag..He told me that at 45 mph, you can really feel the drag on the bike caused by the weight of the flags when they are blowing straight back....
Russ furling the Texas flag. He said it is going to be interesting riding with the flags, if we have to do any PGR missions at 70 mph. I have talked to other riders that have the big flags, including trikers, and they say you get use to the flags being there with experience.
Russ secures the furled flags in their holders
Russ mounts up and prepares to head home. I think he did a great job and we are looking forward to when he can fly the flags. We hope it is an event with a parade that breaks him in and not the more sobering PGR missions we do that involves an active duty soldier or Vet passing on. Thanks for coming by Russ and hopefully I can get on the bike again soon. This will conclude this post.
Scroll down for more rides, events & posts and don't forget to click on the "older posts" link at the bottom of EACH page for more rides and posts. Check out North Texas Bikers (1) at for rides, events & posts from January 08-November 08. Until next post, ya'll be careful out there, ride safe, keep the rubber on the road & pray for our Troops & Rodney................JOHN
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