Russ & Steve came by the house at 7:45 hrs this morning to get me to go to breakfast. My thermometer said it was 39 degree's. So, I jumped on the bike and we headed West to Iowa Park Texas. Here are Russ (black Harley) and Steve (yellow Harley) as we head West on Southwest Parkway
I parked Ms Clone next to David's Gold Wing...
Glenn & Tom. Glenn was my former Supervisor . I worked with Tom when were were both peons but not when he moved up the ladder.
That's David with his hands clasped as if in prayer. And from what he mentioned to me, he better be praying..(grin). That's Bill next to David and Dale on the end..That is Dale's bike parked across the street.
That's Glenn, Jerry, David drinking and Bill. As with Tom, I worked with Jerry when we were peons but not when he moved up.
This is Mark. He just bought himself a Harley Ultra Classic and is a member of the Blue Knights TX XX. I should of mentioned that Russ & Kenny and I are also.
Here is the helmet on the 800 Vulcan. I talked to JR on the phone a little while later and said the guy went through and passed the DPS State motorcycle course..So, if you think you are too old to learn, think again. My wife's Uncle Kurt is 81 y.o.a. and he just ordered him one of the new Harley Trikes and it should be in next month. He lives up in cold country, Joplin Missouri. So, if you've thought about getting in the wind, do it. Age shouldn't stop you..And like the song says: If you don't ride, then you don't know...
Another one of Steve on his Harley
Here is Russ. Look, no gestures...Maybe this will be the day...
Steve had to get some things done, so he went home. Kenny wanted to ride, so Russ went to Lakeside City to get him. I went home & put fresh batteries in the camera and then went to the Shell Station at US 287 & Windthorst Rd to meet up with them. When I got there, Kenny was at the pumps and Russ was messing with his camera phone.
Here's Kenny all gassed up and ready to go. He also has a Harley
An upward glance at the Shell sign
Kenny gets a heavier pair of gloves from the saddlebag as Russ looks on. It had warmed up to about 43 or 44 degrees at this point.
And we head out, Southbound on US 287 to Four Stars Motorcycle Ranch in Henrietta. Kenny to the left & Russ to the right as they roll side by side
We get to Four Stars Motorcycle Ranch and take this picture of the custom work to Kenny's gas tank.
Inside, I find my former favorite sales girl at RRHD that now works full time for Four Stars Motorcycle Ranch. Jennie is now sharing my favorite sales girl slot at Four Stars, with Steve's wife, Sissy. For more info on the Motorcycle Ranch, click this link, then click on the motorcycle:
Here they are: Jennie & Sissy. Sissy has her own yellow Harley too, but it's sick right now & is being seen by the Harley doctor...
Another of Jennie & Sissy. Jennie's husband, Matt, has a great looking Harley that he has added custom items onto. They are riding to the mountains with us this coming Monday and I will be sure to get a lot of pics..
Jennie & me at Four Stars. This is also my first time at Four Stars this year. I have been hanging out at Red River Harley Davidson because that's where my Heritage Softail Classic that I am getting later on this year is and I have been neglecting my friends at Four Stars & Eddie Hills. But this is only the first of many visits. Check these links to Eddie Hills & RRHD.: and
Here is Jennie shining up the bikes. If they aren't selling bikes or stocking shelves, then everybody shines the bikes and try to keep them dust free..They do a great job, I might add.
Here are some of the big cruisers for sale at Four Stars Motorcycle Ranch
Kenny climbs aboard an Ultra Classic. I told him I thought it had his name written all over it..
Ye olde Harley Davidson
Jennie takes a break from wiping down the bikes..
Kenny, Sissy & Russ. Sissy and Russ are always doing something to make Russ's wife, Linda, jealous..Let's see what would cause jealousy in this pic? Anybody have a clue? Nice knowin' ya Russ..
Kenny, Sissy & Russ Two amigo's and an amigoette. I no sprechen ze Espanol, so I don't know what a female amigo is called. So, I just put ette at the end of all male terms and that takes care of it for me...
Jennie continues to wipe down the bikes in another hallway. She was earning her paycheck when we were there
Kenny, Jennie & Russ
Kenny, Russ & me
Russ & I sit down to rest the knees as Kenny talks to Charlie, the sales manager at the Motorcycle Ranch
They have some pretty neat accessories and apparel there. Here are some of the Vests..
Kenny having a good time
Out front of Four Stars are more bikes for sale..I like this Joker emblem on the tank and casing of this Rigid..
Some of the bikes out front for sale
The end of the line...
Kenny on that bike that he & Russ liked
Russ on the Custom
The front of Four Stars Motorcycle Ranch is getting a face lift..This entire parking area was gravel when I first started coming down here.
We left Four Stars and headed back to Wichita Falls. Here is Kenny North bound on US 287
Russ Northbound on US 287
I pulled in front of Russ & Kenny for the frontal shot. Today was not to be the gestureless day. Click on the pic and check Russ out. Snuck the perverbial "salute" to me yet once again...
A mirror shot as Russ pulls on the shoulder and Kenny goes to the inside lane. They passed me, one on each side at about 85 mph...
And they are leaders once again..
We got off of US 287 and went onto Henry S. Grace Fwy (US 281) for the final leg home..
We approach the big sweeping right curve onto Southwest Parkway (FM 369)
Kenny starts onto his exit and waves. Russ & I continue West..
We got home at about noon. An hour later Russ called and said Steve was done with what he had to do and wanted to ride..So I rode over to get Russ then we were going to go get Steve..Here is Russ's bike, The Black Knight, sitting with its lights and flashers on, waiting for Russ to come back out with his keys so it would start..Gotta love those anti-theft devices. My anti-theft device is the bike itself..Being a clone, the chances someone would risk prison stealing a Vulcan are mighty slim..But then again, as we all know, there are some idiots out there...
Russ is looking for a toy hauler also and when we get to Steve's, Russ checks out Steve & Sissy's toy hauler. For those who don't know what a toy hauler is: it's a trailer with a bed, kitchen, bathroom and air conditioner, that you can put your motorcycles in and keep them out of the weather if you are going on a long haul. Steve's has room for two bikes. Russ wants one for one bike..The size increases with the number of bikes you want to take with you and how much living area ya want..The cost goes up too...
The bikes, the Toy Hauler & Russ. I think Steve was in the garage by his bike..
Our bikes in the street in front of Steve & Sissy's
We get onto FM 2606 which crosses the spillway, dam and is a series of 30 mph curves around the SE part of Lake Arrowhead.. Here we cross the spillway
We stop on the dam for some quick pictures. Here is Russ. Yep, those are oil derricks out there...
Russ is just one big ray of sunshine when we go on our rides...You can see the light actually radiating off him & his bike. Uh, oops, excuse me...That is the sun reflecting off the lake..
Lake Arrowhead from the Dam
Scroll way down for more rides, events & posts and don't forget to click on the "older posts" link at the bottom of EACH page for more rides and posts. Check out North Texas Bikers (1) at for rides, events & posts from January 08-November 08. Until next post, ya'll be careful out there, ride safe, keep the rubber on the road & pray for our Troops & Rodney................JOHN
As we continue on FM 2606, I took this picture of the Adopt A Highway sign. From this point and for the next 2 miles, this portion was adopted by M.A.C (Motorcycle Awareness C.O.R.P.S) M.A.C. was co-founded by our good friend and fellow Blue Knight TX XX member, Phil. For more info on M.A.C, please click on this link: I was with them last year when they did the cleanup. Had a great time.
We finished the ride around the lake and made it to the Dairy Queen for lunch..We got inside and Russ's job got hold of him and it was cell phone time after that..Here is Russ answering another call.
We get back to Wichita Falls Texas and the final pic from today is of Russ feeding the Black Knight. I had a great time again today..Trouble is, I blew my gas money for this weekend..Oh well, maybe I will get a sign and stand on a corner "will supervise for gas money"
Scroll way down for more rides, events & posts and don't forget to click on the "older posts" link at the bottom of EACH page for more rides and posts. Check out North Texas Bikers (1) at for rides, events & posts from January 08-November 08. Until next post, ya'll be careful out there, ride safe, keep the rubber on the road & pray for our Troops & Rodney................JOHN
great photos and fabulous bikes ı'm soooo jealous,makes my poor bike look so small :)linda.