Wichita Falls Texas area PGR members gathered at 9 a.m. for the run South to DFW Airport.
We departed Wichita Falls at 9 a.m. and our first stop was in Bowie Texas to meet up with Nubbin & Angela. Here are Kenny & Russ
That is Nubbin's Black bike with the large flags and his wife, Angela's, yellow trike with the other large flags. The flags were furled for the ride South but were unfurled at the Airport and flew proudly all the way back North to Wichita Falls.
This was the Wichita Falls contingent at Bowie Texas
The PGR members getting ready to leave Bowie
This is Virginia & Louis. They got separated from us in Decatur Texas, about 25 miles more to the South.
As we start to pull out. That is Barbara on the bike with the flags. She & her husband, Mike, are our area PGR Road Captains. The folks in front of her in the B.A.C.A. colors, are Shadow & Trouble.
Angela is on the trike ready to go, while next to her, Nubbin , her husband, makes some last minute adjustments. That is Mike, our Road Captain on the other side of Nubbin.
And we are off and heading South on US 287
The view behind me is Angela & Nubbin
They continue to close the distance
We continue South on US 287 with clear skies and 40 degree weather.
Heading into the rising sun
Still Southbound and still closing. Angela can really ride that trike..
Our second stop is in Decatur Texas. They were having a BIG toy run in the area and I was told there was a thousand bikes expected..
We depart Decatur Texas and continue on to DFW Airport
Still Southbound and I had moved up from # 8 position to #4. We had lost Virginia & Louis back in the traffic in Decatur. I found out later that they had given up trying to find us and went back to Bowie Texas to the flea market where they met up with Doug..
The view behind as we near Tx 114
We are slowing to pull over to wait for Russ, who dropped back to locate Kenny, who also got separated in the traffic in Decatur.
We get established on Tx 114 and then pull over to wait
We waited, maybe, 2 minutes and Russ came riding up with Kenny.
With Russ & Kenny in tow, we continue on to the airport. How Russ found Kenny in amongst all those bikes back in Decatur is beyond me...
Eastbound on TX 114 and onto DFW Airport
We arrive at the American Airline Cargo area and are met by the Dallas PGR. Here are Kenny, Russ & me shortly after our arrival
Kenny, Russ & me at DFW airport
Some of the PGR bikes. Russ counted them and there were 35 bikes in the escort
The American Airline Cargo building were even flying the flags at half mast
Another view of the American Airline Cargo Building at DFW Airport
The PGR bikes lined up & waiting on the hearse & family. The van with the tailgate open was the PGR van with water and snacks for us.
The Dallas PGR bikes with their flags fluttering in the breeze
Two of the lead bikes behind the Denton County Constable car that led us all the way back to the funeral home in Wichita Falls Texas. (about 120 miles North of DFW)
PGR members talk while waiting on the family & hearse
Some of our bikes. That is Russ's Harley in the middle and Kenny's Harley, center left.
The PGR bikes & PGR members as seen from the back of the line
Mike, in the maroon cap heads back our way. The PGR Road Captains wear the maroon caps and members wear blue.
PGR members wait patiently
A view from the front of the line toward the rear
Our lead escort vehicle. The officer did an outstanding job....
Getting last minute instruction from the leaders
The PGR flag, Texas flag, and the U.S. Flag (on the flip side of the Texas flag).
The hearse arrives
Getting the last in line bikes in position..
You have to click this picture to see it, but I had to get one plane either landing or taking off. I settled for this one landing.
Russ walks up to tell us we have a slight delay
Kenny's ready
The hearse gets positioned
Church members and friends of Spc Blake Bronough were also on hand.
The delay was that some of the family members were still working their way out of the parking areas at the terminal.
Some PGR members dismounted during the delay while others stayed in the saddle
The church members , friends and family were wearing these t-shirts. This was the front of the t-shirt with Blake's picture on it...
And this was the back of the t-shirt
The bikes behind me. That's Mike in the white helmet and Dave next to him and Barbara is behind Mike
The bikes & procession to the front,still Westbound on Tx114
West on Tx 114
West on TX114
Gap closed. From DFW to Decatur we did about 50 mph or so. From Decatur to Wichita Falls, the speeds were mostly around 70 mph
Here we are established Northbound on US 287 nearing Decatur Texas and our first stop since leaving the airport
We are fixin' to get in the right lane as we stopped up ahead.
We take a quick rest stop/gas stop. A lot of the Dallas PGR members turned back here. Still some others, went all the way to Wichita Falls with us. Some of our Wichita Falls PGR members were also waiting for us here in Decatur to ride escort back with us..
The wind had picked up as you can tell by the flags. Wichita Falls is about 75 miles from Decatur.
Some of the PGR members and bikes
As we get ready to begin our final leg, I get in position behind Shadow & Trouble
Russ was going to be tail gunner from this point home.
The hearse gets ready
We pull out onto US 287 & head North toward Wichita Falls Texas and our final stop, the Hampton Vaughan Funeral Home at Rathgerber & TX 79
We arrived at the funeral home without incident. Here, the U.S. Army Honor Guard, out of Ft. Hood Texas, prepare to march to the hearse and remove the flag draped coffin.
You have to click on the picture to see the Honor Guard removing the flag draped coffin from the hearse. They then carried it inside the funeral home to the viewing area.
The flags, the PGR members & bikes at the funeral home in Wichita Falls Texas
Here are Ted & Tex. They along with David (behind them) met us in Decatur and joined in the escort back home
The front of the Hampton Vaughan Funeral Home from the Southside.
The Army Honor Guard returns to post prior to returning to their vehicles
Prior to leaving, a member of the funeral home brought the visitation book out for us to sign. Here is Kenny signing
This will conclude this post. Tomorrow, Monday at 1400 hrs, Spc Blake Bronough, will be laid to rest at the Crestview Memorial Cemetary here in Wichita Falls Texas. The PGR will attend the funeral of this hero and stand the Honor line, tall & silent just as Spc Blake Bronough stood for us, keeping us out of harms way.
Scroll down for other events, rides & posts and don't forget to click on the "older posts" link at the bottom of EACH page for more rides & posts. Remember to check out North Texas Bikers (1) at http://www.jjskewlstuff.blogspot.com/ for more rides & events & posts from January 08- Nov 24-08. Until next post, ya'll be careful out there, ride safe, keep our military in your prayers, and keep the rubber on the road............................JOHN
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