Some of the bikes & riders at Wal-Mart prior to departure to Stephenville Texas.
More of the bikes at Wal-mart prior to departure. Prior to departure, Doug prayed for the group and when you are on the road, prayer is needed..Thanks Doug for the prayer..
This is Eric & Laura. Eric is a former coworker of mine until I retired in 2004
This is Matt. Matt is the husband of Jennie, who most of the regular viewers know from this blog as my favorite salesperson at Red River Harley Davidson. Jennie couldn't make the ride today as she has the flu-like crud that is going around..
Matt & his Harley. The economy got to where he almost had to sell his bike. But things are looking better and he now gets to keep it. It not only looks good but sounds good too.
Here we are rolling south on US 281. We went 173.4 miles before we gassed up and came back. We came back a different route of 158.8 miles. Total ride miles today were 332.2 miles. Not bad for the 3rd day of January.
The view behind. That's Matt on the left, and Doug & Tati on the right. Can't tell who is next to Doug.
The view forward as Ted dodges an imaginary deer...There was a sign there ya know...
A view of the bikes behind as we head South on Hwy 4
Another view to the rear. If ya click on the pics, it will enlarge them and you can see who's who...
That's Rodney to my left as we continue South
As we near Jacksboro Texas, our first rest stop, here are the bikes bringing up the rear
Here are the lead bikes as we approach the outskirts of Jacksboro Texas
This is Tati & Doug at the Shell Station in Jacksboro Texas, our first rest stop.
This is Mike & Robbie. Robbie has pink leathers & chaps. Since she wasn't in pink today, she was showing us she did bring a pink wallet..Ya gotta love that Robbie!!
Here is Linda getting ready to fix her hair and put on her bandana...
This is Gary & his Harley. I really like that paint scheme on his bike. Jeanann tells me he gets comments on it all the time..
This is Johnny & Leeann. I enjoyed meeting them today and riding with them.
Here is Eric as Russ talks to Doug & Tati
Here is Vicki. The weather was warming up and we were shedding leathers, coats and sweatshirts.
The bikes at rest in Jacksboro Texas. Riders were taking a "butt rest" too.
Here is Ted gassing up his Harley. I took several pics of Ted because his daughter, Vicki, who lives in Ft. Collins Colorado, is a regular viewer of this blog and I promised her I would get pics of her dad for her. Vicki & her husband, Tim, are great folks and I plan on riding the bike up there to God's country and seeing them.
Ted at the pumps putting go juice into the Harley...
A view of the bikes & riders from the gas pumps..
Me & Matt at the Shell Station rest stop in Jacksboro Texas
Rodney by his Harley, enjoying a cold bottle of water
Tati with her cell phone. Tati is becoming a regular member on our rides as she rides behind her dad, Doug..We all enjoy her company
This is Leeann & Jeanann. They are having a good time today..
Here is Patti by her red Harley. For the new viewers, Patti rides with us all the time and we ride with her and her husband Jim. Patti just got that Ultra and loves it and can really ride it.
Doug & Patti as Patti recons for yams..
Russ & Linda, originators of today's ride and great friends of mine
Russ & Linda by their Harley. Patti's red Harley is to their right
Linda's Harley Davidson belt buckle
Patti's belt buckle
The group talks prior to heading out for Stephenville Texas
Mike & Robbie. Mike is also a former co-worker. He went thru the academy with Russ & I, way back in 1977
Bobby & Matt having a talk. I would say, from where Matt is looking, it is about Harley's
Eric & Laura waiting for the mount up signal
On the road again, going thru Jacksboro..
Caught at a light. Front right is Patti, #2 is Johnny & Leeann and # 3 is Matt
Bikes to the rear. Ted is closest to me.
The bikes close the distance..
Here is Matt as we ride South on a two lane road..
The bikes behind me as we near Stephenville Texas
Matt & the lead bikes as we near Stephenville Texas
The lead bikes coming into a curve
The bikes continue South
The bikes closed it up nicely. We had a good staggered formation the whole ride.
The lead bikes in some open country
Ted rolling South towards Stephenville Texas
Bobby & Kaycie rolling South
Rodney rolling South
Approaching a tree line
Eric & Laura rolling South. Eric was our Tail gunner for this ride. Kept good commo with Russ, the Road Captain.
We arrive at the Hard Eight and get in line. That place was packed with bikers. The Hard Eight is a popular place for bikers to ride to and eat. Good BBQ. Here is Robbie talking to Linda as Patti talks on the phone..
Linda & Mike in line at the Hard Eight Pit BBQ in Stephenville Texas
Rodney, Leeann & Johnny, and Jeanann & Gary in line.
Robbie & Linda at the Hard Eight
Leeann, Johnny & Gary in line
Bobby, Eric, Laura, Kenny, Matt & Ted in line. The waitress came out with free glasses of beer for those in line. Naturally, I have a nasty pancreas and can't drink beer.
Decisions, Decisions....It's all good...
As Mike takes a picture of Robbie and Russ stretches out his arms, I take a pic of the Hard Eight sign..
We prepare to leave the Hard Eight and head out to Hico Texas to visit a Biker Leather Shop
Mike & Robbie had a good time today, as always.
Matt looks on a Patti gets a commo check with Russ. Eric & Laura were heading back to Wichita Falls along with Ted, Kenny, Doug & Tati, and Patti was taking over as tail gunner.
Eric & Laura as they prepare to head home
We leave Stephenville and head down the road 21 miles to Hico Texas
The bikes to the rear are now Matt, Vicki & Patti
When we got to Hico, there were motorcycles parked everywhere around the Leather shop, so we parked in front of this old building...
Here is the Cody Trading Post, Biker Leather Shop in Hico Texas
We left the Leather shop and went down the road to the gas station. This was the 173.4 mile spot were we turned around and took another route, 158.8 miles, back home to Wichita Falls...Here are Vicki & Rodney gassin' up their bikes..
Patti gassing up her bike too.
Matt waits for the word to move out...
Matt gives a thumbs up. I am glad he had a good time riding with us today. I look forward to riding with him again and Jennie, of course
Leeann, Johnny and Jeanann look on as Gary makes some adjustments prior to us heading North out of Hico
Mike & Robbie, Rodney and Vicki get redy to pull out of the gas station.
Rolling North towards home
Rodney in the mirror..Northbound
The group gets close to Jacksboro Texas and our final rest stop.
The bikes behind us as we roll North
We stop at the Shell Station again in Jacksboro Texas for a pit stop..
Last picture for today is of Robbie getting on behind Mike. We left here and a short time later, were back in Wichita Falls. I had a great time today, meeting new folks and riding with everybody. This is a GREAT start to a new year and I look forward to all our rides in 2009.
Scroll down for more rides, events & posts and don't forget to click on the "older posts" link at the bottom of EACH page for more rides and posts. Check out North Texas Bikers (1) at for rides, events & posts from January 08-November 08. Until next post, ya'll be careful out there, ride safe, keep the rubber on the road & pray for our Troops ................JOHN
Hi John - WOW - looks like ya'll had great weather for the first ride of 2009. We are a bit jealous as the weather here is downright chilly - sub-zero is chilly right? Did you have pie in Hico? Thanks again, as always for posting a few pics of Dad (Ted), and the rest of the gang. Talk to you soon. -- Vickie